The state, it is true, gave money towards their wages. Nevertheless the whole process had not been organized properly 诚然,政府已经拨款支付他们的工资。但整个过程没有组织妥当。
At the same time, gnarly but critical concepts, such as the "money illusion" ( how inflation and deflation distort decision-making) or the way productivity serves as the primary driver of wages and living standards, shine through in all their richness and complexity. 与此同时,该书充分展现了一些拗口却又关键的概念的丰富性和复杂性,比如“货币幻觉”(通胀和通缩如何扭曲决策)或生产力作为工薪收入和生活水平主要推动者的作用方式。
He also says some of the money will be spent on higher wages for people with higher skills. 他还表示,其中一些预算还将用在为拥有更高技能的人支付更高薪资。
He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages. 为金钱侍奉上帝的人,必为更多的钱替魔鬼效劳。
In spite of the fact that fares have increased, the railway company is still losing money because the employees have demanded higher wages. 尽管营业额有所增长,铁路公司仍处于亏损状态,因为与此同时工人要求涨工资。
The money will be deducted from your wages. 钱将从你的工资中扣除。
The master tried to take the money for this banquet from our wages. 厂主想从我们的工资中扣钱来办酒席。
They're waiting to make more money, which they'll do as labor demand boosts wages over the coming decade. 随着未来10年对劳动力的需求推动工资增长,人们的收入会增加。
I have caught him in the game room playing a gambling game consoles and many times his son is the money lost in this game, almost a month's wages are spent on something like that. 我曾在游戏厅抓到他在玩有赌博性质的电玩。很多次儿子就是把钱输在了这种电玩上,几乎每个月的工资都花在了这上面。
And forget about the prime-time entertainment shows and sports where the BBC spends taxpayers 'money bidding up stars' wages. 去掉黄金时间段的娱乐秀和体育节目,因为bbc在这些节目上砸了纳税人的钱却涨高了明星们的工资。
He lent Paul some money to tide him over until he got his wages. 他借给保罗一些钱帮助他维持到发薪的时候。
She earned less money because of deductions from her wages. 她赚得的钱少了,因为她的工资被扣除了一些。
Almost all the money of social security, in america, comes from a tax on the wages of covered employees. 在美国,几乎全部的社会保障资金都来源于对被保障雇员的工资征收的税款。
Average real take-home pay normally rises as productivity increases – money wages normally rise faster than prices. 正常情况下,当生产率提高时,平均税后实际工资都会上升&货币工资的增幅通常高于物价。
Others would rather use their money for travel, sports, or in some other way instead of paying high American wages for domestic help. 还有一部分人宁愿把钱花在旅游,运动或其他活动上,他们也不愿花高额工资雇人做家务。
The growth of money transfer services means it is easier than ever for them to send their wages home to support families. 资金转账服务的增长意味着,对于他们来说,把工资寄回国养家糊口从未如此简单。
He never saved his money when he was earning good wages. 他以前挣钱不少,却分文不存。
Her new silk dress had already gone to the only pawnshop in town to raise money for the maid's wages. 她那件大绸新旗袍,为的要付吴妈的工钱,已经上了当铺;
If money wages were flexible, they would be particularly likely to fall. 如果货币工资是有伸缩性的,它们特别可能会下降。
In negotiations, we now have an element where player representatives point to the new TV deal as if it is more money for the pot to pay player wages. 在谈判中,我们发现球员的代理人们都说电视转播费增加了,所以应该给定级球员们张工资。
You paid me that money for doing nothing, so it isn't fair to expect me to do all this work now for the same wages. 我什么都不干你都给我那么多钱,而现在让我做这么多事才拿同样的工资,未免太不公平了。
Most of the tens of thousands of small and medium-sized companies that make the paper money have already relocated to China with its lower wages, cheaper land and less stringent environmental regulations. 制造纸钱的数万家中小型企业中,多数已迁往中国大陆,那里的工资更低、地价更为便宜,环保规定也不那么严格。
The price may not be cheap, if you let the ball damage it, deducted money from yours wages compensates. 价钱可不便宜,你要是让球把它撞坏了,就得从你的工资里扣钱赔。
I pay high wages not because I have a lot of money, but because by paying high wages I earn a lot of money. 我不是因为钱多所以支付高工资,而是因为支付了高工资而获取许多钱。
It is only when money wages move that instability declares itself. 只有当货币工资移动时,不稳定才会出现。
The damages will be amount of money sufficient to repair your auto, to pay your medical bills, to pay for wages you have lost, and to give you something for any permanent disability such as a limp. 这种赔偿将是一笔足以修复你的汽车、支付你的医药费以及损失的薪水的钱,当然这笔钱还包括了由于这次事故给你造成的如瘸腿等长期残疾的赔偿。
Workers will want their money wages to catch up with the recent inflation. 工人们将要求他们的工资增长跟上近期通货膨胀的程度。
Almost any financial planner will say workers should use these plans to save money easily: often directly from their wages. 几乎所有财务规划师都会说,员工应该利用这些退休方案来更容易地存钱:往往直接从他们的工资中扣除。